WD Gann, or William Delbert Gann, was a legendary trader, analyst, and market forecaster known for his mysterious and innovative trading methods.
In 1909, Gann made a famous wheat trade, which proved his market forecasting skills and helped him develop his reputation as a trusted forecaster worldwide.
With the help of his forecasting methods, based on geometry, astronomy, and ancient mathematics, Gann boldly predicted that wheat prices would reach $1.20 per bushel by the end of September.
That was an unusual prediction because, at the time, wheat’s daily trading range was only 1 cent. Wheat had never traded at 1.20$ in its history. But Gann was confident about his forecast and took a long position in the September wheat contract.
On September 30th, 1909 (the last trading day of September), wheat prices were around $1.07.
Then WD Gann said, “If wheat doesn’t touch $1.20 by the end of the day, then this will prove that something is wrong with the method I used in my calculations.”
Toward the end of the day, wheat prices started to rise, and in the last hour of trading, they moved from the $1.07 mark to the $1.20 mark, just as Gann predicted.
WD Gann achieved extraordinary success in his trading career after his 1909 wheat trade prediction and became well-known for his forecasting abilities. Many traders continue to study his techniques to replicate his success, but only a few succeed.
My research shows that Gann’s secret behind the 1909 Wheat Trade Price Projection was simple.
He studied and used the wheat market history of prices and then applied a hidden secret mathematical formula to project the future price of wheat. I’ve validated this over and over again to my satisfaction using the formulas found in his most mysterious book, ‘Tunnel Through The Air.’
In the near future, I will publish a separate WD Gann course that gives you the Formulas to make a Price projection similar to the one Gann made on the wheat trade in 1909. – Divesh
P.S: Our forthcoming course (Gann Time Squaring Technique) contains one of the most valuable Secrets of Gann for finding future turning points in time. If you’d like to learn more about it, you can click here.