An Amazing Forecasting Approach That ‘Actually’ Works!

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This week, Nifty made SIX (6) major swings on intraday timeframes, of which FIVE (5) Swings with exact Price(s) were accurately predicted through our newly launched course.

accurate Predictions of market

The ‘Looking Ahead‘ course we recently launched resulted in very accurate Predictions of market movements.

FIVE (5) of the swings hit their expected Price points exactly and reversed the trend, while one came very close. Only one swing point failed, and that too, with a minimal difference.

The course ‘Looking Ahead‘ reveals a universal truth about the relationship between markets and numbers that will change how one views market moves.

If you’d like to learn more about the Looking Aheadcourse, then email me at [email protected]. I’ll be happy to provide you with all the details you need.Divesh

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Divesh Jotwani
About The Author
Divesh Jotwani is an active and full-time trader in the Indian markets.

He has spent over 20+ years researching and discovering WD Gann's methods and applying them daily in the markets.